Noa Kageyama’s website:
Molly Gebrian’s YouTube channel
David Blum: Casals and the Art of Interpretation
Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, Mark A. McDaniel: Make It Stick
Anner Bylsma: Bach, The Fencing Master
David M. Bynog: Notes for Violists, A Guide to the Repertoire
Blandine Calais-Germain: The Anatomy of Movement
Liane Curtis: A Rebecca Clarke Reader
David Dalton: Playing the Viola, Conversations with William Primrose
Don Greene: Performance Success
William Primrose: Walk on the North Side, Memoirs of a Violist
Maurice W. Riley: The History of the Viola
Judy Tarling: Baroque String Playing for Ingenious Learners
Lionel Tertis: Cinderella No More
Lionel Tertis: My Viola and I